December 7, 2021

Folk Art Reflections Music Series with Onome
The Folk Art Reflections Music Series offers free live music programs designed for adults living with memory loss, their families, and care partners. This special performance will take place via Zoom, with an opportunity to speak to the vocal artist after this live, interactive music event.
Join us virtually on Tuesday, December 14th from 11 AM-12 PM for a live song circle with me! This program is free, but space is limited—registration is required, and a Zoom invitation will be emailed to you.
For more details, or to register: or 212. 265. 0605.
Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!
When was the last time you delighted in your sense of wonder and allowed yourself to dream?

So much of the transformation I’ve been experiencing the past few years has been internal and invisible: a peace in my nervous system supported by living in areas where my doors can be unlocked; where mail packages can sit on the porch for days, untouched; where my nearest neighbors are deer and foxes. The joy of creative fulfillment. The security of relationships as they deepen and grow. The active, living practice of gratitude. The discipline of noticing what’s working, and building on that. Enchantment grounded in truth, in a world where disillusionment, deceit, and despair threaten to bombard and deaden the senses.
What consistently keeps you awakened and inspired? What visions pull you forward? Most likely you brush your teeth, shower your body, lotion your skin at regular intervals. What is your psychic / spiritual hygiene for nurturing your reverence for the ineffable?
One aspect of my own regimen is creating an annual vision board. I started off with a physical posterboard, but now I prefer digital vision boards as living documents that I can update as current visions are fulfilled, and new thoughts inspire me to translate them into imagery.
Writing down New Years resolutions never did much for me, because it overworked my mind and disengaged my heart – the worst of both worlds. It wasn’t until I explored vision boards, and combined it with my passion for word sound power – affirmations, mantras, chants, incantations, the spoken / sung word – that I found a potent mix that did wonders for me, and will work for you too if the combination of sound and vision based manifestation practice resonates for you.
Gift yourself this experience by registering for Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash! (December Edition).

Learn how to make a vision board using Canva! This 2 hour session is a celebration of YOU: your dreams, desires, and goals. We will have a brief intro, a guided meditation to embody your highest self, a vocal affirmation practice to amplify what matters most to you, then you get to express those priorities on your vision board.
December 30, 2021 at 2pm ET on Zoom. Advance registration required.
Price: $22
Register for Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!
Make a Contribution from Your Overflowing Cup.

Thanks to all of you who have blessed my online tip jars! If it’s in your pleasure, you are always welcome to give from your overflowing cup and make a contribution to support my work using the links below.
And regardless of your financial budget, a contribution in the form of testimonials, leads, referrals, recommendations, and constructive feedback are as good as gold, and always welcome. Send me an email at
Onome is a healing voice, creativity catalyst, and mindfulness maven of Urhobo heritage in the Niger Delta. She designs and facilitate experiential workshops and 1:1 sessions that clear energetic blockages to self-expression, empower her clients to reclaim and confidently wield the power of their imagination, and foster creative fellowship through mindfulness practices, relational games, and vocal play. Through her audience-interactive performances, workshops and sound installations, Onome embodies joy, enchantment, and infinite possibility. She is a partner artist at Carnegie Hall as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.