What is in the Background Music of Your Life?

April 26, 2022

Thanks to you all who signed up for the first session of Free Your Voice: a Monthly Masterclass! 

Despite some tech hiccups, we had a powerful workshop centered on four pillars of self-expression, the first of which I will share today.


One paradox of self-expression is that it originates within the silence of listening. And from that silence emerges the recognition that there is no absolute silence. 

There is sound of your heartbeat, the sound of your breath, the sound of your morning meal traveling through your digestive system, the sound of pipes clanging inside your walls, the sounds of distant cars, trains, planes, peeper frogs, and birds, the sound of your memories, the sound of your room. 

Close your eyes for fifteen seconds, listen to your environment, and notice how many specific sounds you can identify. 

What comprises this subtle, ongoing soundtrack of your life? 

The same question applies to your subconscious mind: what thoughts are running, repeatedly, as the background music of your life?

I invite you to stop and listen, really listen, to those thoughts. 

Illuminate and understand them as a compassionate observer. 

Embrace the wisdom embedded in the thoughts that got you from there, to here in this present moment.

Release old soundtracks that no longer serve the highest good calling to be expressed through you.

Listen for the new songs that are brewing in you.

That process takes a bit longer than 15 seconds. It’s a journey of a lifetime. This is why I have created Voke, a six session container for jumpstarting your path of self-discovery and empowerment. 

Schedule a discovery call to see if Voke is right for you.

Schedule a Discovery Call

We’ll use vocal play as a primary tool for identifying and moving through the energy blockages that stifle your specific self-expression. If you have a strong tendency to:

  • people-please
  • hold grudges
  • be chronically stuck in confusion and indecision
  • feel anxiety in social situations
  • start strong but run out of the steam before completing a goal
  • shut down your voice during emotionally charged encounters
  • suppress the impulse to sing because of disempowering judgments about the sound of your voice
  • avoid conflict

You may be the perfect candidate for this kind of voice-based energy work. If you’re already a hell yes, enroll in Voke today!

Get Voke

My work serves holistic-oriented women committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth, expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals, spiritual eclectics who embrace wisdom from a wide variety of sources, or some combination of these.

Through structured group improvisation and vocal embodiment practices, I facilitate sound healing sessions, workshops, private vocal empowerment coaching, retreats, and concerts that “a-ha!” you to new levels of self-discovery, emotional freedom, joy and creative flow. I am a partner artist at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.