November 30, 2021

Thank you all for joining me during my first Insight Timer Live! Download the app and add my page so that you are notified when I go live or upload a new recording.
Is Your Cup Overflowing? Or Are You Running on Empty?

Today, many of us have been bombarded with emails from all sorts of awesome and worthy endeavors participating in #GivingTuesday, pulling at our financial and energetic budgets as we decide on what contributions to make.
Here are some questions for you to consider as you check in with yourself throughout this season of heightened gift-giving: are you giving from a state of overflow? Is there any aspect of your life where you feel depleted, unfulfilled, stuck? Do you ever feel that weird tug-of-war between a desire to give freely, and an anxiety that holds you back on giving because you don’t feel like you have enough? What gift can you give yourself that would leave you feeling nourished and abundant?
A great gift that you can give yourself is your own undivided attention: your self-discovery, your creativity, the full honoring of your desires. As we step into a new year, the timing is ripe for you to reflect on what is unfolding for you in 2022 and beyond. Visualization and vocalization are two of the most potent tools to focus, clarify and amplify your desires. What happens when you bring those two powerful modalities together in one event? You are invited to find out at…
Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!
Learn how to make a vision board using Canva! This 2 hour session is a celebration of YOU: your dreams, desires, and goals. We will have a brief intro, a guided meditation to embody your highest self, a vocal affirmation practice to amplify what matters most to you, then you get to express those priorities on your vision board.
December 30, 2021 at 2pm ET on Zoom. Advance registration required.
Price: $22
Register for Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!
Make a Contribution from Your Overflowing Cup.

Thanks to all of you who have blessed my online tip jars! If it’s in your pleasure, you are always welcome to give from your overflowing cup and make a contribution to support my work using the links below.
And regardless of your financial budget, a contribution in the form of testimonials, leads, referrals, recommendations, and constructive feedback are as good as gold, and always welcome. Send me an email at
Onome is a healing voice, creativity catalyst, and mindfulness maven of Urhobo heritage in the Niger Delta. She designs and facilitate experiential workshops and 1:1 sessions that clear energetic blockages to self-expression, empower her clients to reclaim and confidently wield the power of their imagination, and foster creative fellowship through mindfulness practices, relational games, and vocal play. Through her audience-interactive performances, workshops and sound installations, Onome embodies joy, enchantment, and infinite possibility. She is a partner artist at Carnegie Hall as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.