Happy Embrace of the Dark / Return of the Light Day!

December 21, 2021

This is one of my favorite images from my art modeling adventures, from the photographer Victor M. Ramos. This extreme contrast of shadow and light is called chiaroscuro. I found this portrait particularly fitting on this day, the solstice: the longest night, giving way to daylight waxing toward the summer solstice.

How do we embrace contrast and respect polarity? How do we hold paradox and nuance and depth when bombarded by media that often pushes soundbites and dopamine hits? How can we step into 2022 with a deeper embodiment of collective and individual wholeness?

One path that I’ve found helpful is to spend less time online scrolling mindlessly and getting into unproductive, highly charged debates, and more time in nature and among people in real-time (as safely as possible, of course). I also am grateful for social media when I use it the way that it was originally intended – to foster genuine connections with folks far and wide; to share some levity, profundity, and upliftment; to share what I’m up to with my classes and special events.

Speaking of which, join me tomorrow for…

Flyer for Insight Timer Event Called Healing Voice Vocal Improv and Flow State

Thanks to all of you who have been joining me on Insight Timer. I have a slew of lives for you to enjoy in the coming weeks, starting with my Live on December 22 at 2pm ET, focused on the healing qualities of vocal improvisation.

There are many ways for you to support the growth of my work on Insight Timer: like, follow, check out my content, share my page, and give a 5 star rating on my audios.

Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!

There is still room for you to register for Voices and Vibes!

If you have never created a digital vision board, this event will have you feeling ecstatic. If you’re familiar with vision boarding, here is how Voices and Vibes will take you to the next level:Learn how to use verbal affirmation and invocation to amplify your visionI’ll walk you through the basics of the free, comprehensive graphic design tool, Canva(And if you really want to attend but can’t make the December 30 event, there will be another one in January! Go to my website for those details.) Gift yourself this experience by registering for Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash! (December Edition).

Vision board promotional poster

Learn how to make a vision board using Canva! This 2 hour session is a celebration of YOU: your dreams, desires, and goals. We will have a brief intro, a guided meditation to embody your highest self, a vocal affirmation practice to amplify what matters most to you, then you get to express those priorities on your vision board.

December 30, 2021 at 2pm ET on Zoom. Advance registration required.

Price: $22

Register for Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!

Make a Contribution from Your Overflowing Cup.

Thanks to all of you who have blessed my online tip jars! If it’s in your pleasure, you are always welcome to give from your overflowing cup and make a contribution to support my work using the links below.

And regardless of your financial budget, a contribution in the form of testimonials, leads, referrals, recommendations, and constructive feedback are as good as gold, and always welcome. Send me an email at lushtongue@gmail.com.



Onome is a healing voice, creativity catalyst, and mindfulness maven of Urhobo heritage in the Niger Delta. She designs and facilitate experiential workshops and 1:1 sessions that clear energetic blockages to self-expression, empower her clients to reclaim and confidently wield the power of their imagination, and foster creative fellowship through mindfulness practices, relational games, and vocal play. Through her audience-interactive performances, workshops and sound installations, Onome embodies joy, enchantment, and infinite possibility. She is a partner artist at Carnegie Hall as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.