October 4, 2022
How do you “get out of your own way”?
The short answer: bring awareness to the core beliefs, thought patterns, behaviors, and habits that thwart what we say we desire. Replace them with the mindset, actions, and practices that bring clarity, flow, and ease to the fulfillment of our desires.
The shorter answer: become the way.
What is the Way of You? What is the unique expression being birthed through you when you clear away all the blockages? How do you honor that expression, how do you practice that expression in your being and your doing – day to day, moment to moment?
Every time you choose love over fear, you embody the way.
Every time you choose to feel and express the full weight of your fear, anguish, rage, frustration, disappointment, shame, guilt, and move through those emotions rather than repress them, you embody the way.
Every time you take the action that reinforces your growing sense of self as powerful, creative, resourceful, solution-oriented, innovative, and magnetic, you embody the way.
Every time you break out of the trance of social media scrolling, Netflix / Hulu / Disney escapism, workaholism, and other drugs, and connect with the transcendent state of divinity within you (which, by the way, is the underlying goal behind pretty much all drug use), you embody the way.
Every time you present yourself with the option to either procrastinate, or devote the present moment to taking the action that your future self will thank you for, and you choose the latter – you embody the way.
Every time you sing, dance, paint, crochet, make books, play guitar, create from your soul, you embody the way.
You become the way through your choices.
Your choices are informed by your state of being, and your core beliefs.
Are you ready to invest in being guided and supported in your journey to release dead-end energy patterns and cultivate the loving relationship to yourself that serves your highest good?
Enroll in the Inner Sanctum.
Inner Sanctum is an in-depth, 1:1 online container I created to guide and support your elevation journey.
Connect with your Inner Sanctum, where the brilliant truth of who you truly are, shines.
My work serves holistic-oriented women committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth, expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals, spiritual eclectics who embrace wisdom from a wide variety of sources, or some combination of these.
Through structured group improvisation and vocal embodiment practices, I facilitate sound healing sessions, workshops, private vocal empowerment coaching, retreats, and concerts that “a-ha!” you to new levels of self-discovery, emotional freedom, joy and creative flow. I am a partner artist at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.