FUNdamentals: Spirit, Creativity, Connection

June 7, 2022

I’m grateful and humbled by the amazing first session of FUNdamentals of Vocal Improv this past weekend!

My first iteration of FUNdamentals, at Jalopy Theatre and School of Music in Brooklyn a few years ago, focused primarily on the creative musical process of spontaneous composition.

Over the years, I’ve realized how much my work in voice goes beyond traditional singing classes, and more into the energetic / spiritual / healing capacities of vocal expression.

I create spaces that are rooted in a nexus of creativity, spirit, and human connection. FUNdamentals inspired me to create and share this Venn diagram of these three components of self-expression and how they affect each other.

What all my offerings have in common is that you will walk away with a deeper awareness of your values, a greater appreciation for your unique expression, and an increased capacity to connect with your own heart, and the hearts of others.

Singing is the cherry on top!

Here are nuggets from the first session that we explored musically. Consider it a scenic route to the question of “who are you”:

When YOU walk into a room, what quality / essence / possibilities are embodied in that room, that wouldn’t exist if you weren’t in that room?

What makes you a unique instrument, in music and in life?

My work serves holistic-oriented women committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth, expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals, spiritual eclectics who embrace wisdom from a wide variety of sources, or some combination of these.

Through structured group improvisation and vocal embodiment practices, I facilitate sound healing sessions, workshops, private vocal empowerment coaching, retreats, and concerts that “a-ha!” you to new levels of self-discovery, emotional freedom, joy and creative flow. I am a partner artist at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.