Free Your Voice, Change Your Mind

April 6, 2022

I had an epiphany after the most recent email I sent you. 

The phrase “vocal empowerment” didn’t quite get at the heart of the experience that I am creating in this monthly container. Our voices are already powerful. Otherwise, why would it take so much effort to hold ourselves back from fully expressing ourselves? To quote from a performance / sound installation I wrote years ago called Dischordant:

“Why do you work so hard to convince me that I can’t?”

That’s a good question to ask our brains when our brains do that self-protecting-by-keeping-you-small thing that they do. 

Knowing the power of your voice is not what actually makes the difference in how you experience your core sense of self. 

Freeing yourself from all the narratives that have worked so hard to keep your voice stifled all these years, that makes a difference. 

Allowing yourself to consistently and deliberately wield the power of your voice, that makes a difference. 

Embracing self-expression practices that help shift your mindset and brain chemistry, that literally change your mind, that makes a difference.Allowing yourself to practice groundedness, freedom, power, joy, clarity, wholeness, and fulfillment while using your voice is what actually transforms you.

This masterclass is an opportunity to free the powerful voice that already exists within you.

Hence, the name change to: Free Your Voice: a Monthly Masterclass.

Is there a part of me that feels weird about changing the name of an event after I already put it out there? Yes. AND….we get to change our minds, we get to pivot, we get to rename, revise, reset, about-face, turn left, right foot, let’s stomp. 

If there is one thing this two year pandemonium has taught me, it’s that life gets to be dynamic, and we can choose to be present for those shifts as they happen in real time, no matter how big or small – whether it be a name change or an entire lifestyle change – and we can respond from a place of presence and trust.

Thanks to you all who have already registered! Click the link below to participate.

Free Your Voice: a Monthly Masterclass
Sunday, April 24 at 3pm ET on Zoom

It is not a traditional singing class, though there will be singing involved. It is a workshop of vocalization practices to increase your capacity to speak your truth, connect to your intuition, be fully embodied in the present moment, tap into your vitality, playfulness, authenticity, and joy. All voices welcome.

Register for “Free Your Voice: a Monthly Masterclass”

My work serves holistic-oriented women committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth, expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals, spiritual eclectics who embrace wisdom from a wide variety of sources, or some combination of these.

Through structured group improvisation and vocal embodiment practices, I facilitate sound healing sessions, workshops, private vocal empowerment coaching, retreats, and concerts that “a-ha!” you to new levels of self-discovery, emotional freedom, joy and creative flow. I am a partner artist at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.