October 1, 2022
Have you ever received news that left you feeling anxious, heavy, grief-stricken, devastated and demoralized? Whether in the media or in your personal life, there is plenty of downward-spiral inducing news to be found.
Or the melancholy could hail from a more ambient source: the cooling temperatures and shorter days of autumn (for us Northern Hemispherians), or various planets in retrograde.
Let creative fellowship serve as a reminder that faith, determination, joy, and gratitude are powerful antidotes to stagnancy, despair, and spiritual warfare.
The healing power of expressive arts is largely unseen and ephemeral. When you sing, invisible waves are emanating, not just from your mouth, but from your entire being. And where voices gather, a field of divine flow emerges. Possibilities for expansion become clearer within your own life, and among your community.
Are you interested in bringing the power of self-expression, creativity, and mindfulness to your community? Email me at lushtongue@gmail.com to set up a customized event for your school, church, arts center, company, home.
My work serves holistic-oriented women committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth, expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals, spiritual eclectics who embrace wisdom from a wide variety of sources, or some combination of these.
Through structured group improvisation and vocal embodiment practices, I facilitate sound healing sessions, workshops, private vocal empowerment coaching, retreats, and concerts that “a-ha!” you to new levels of self-discovery, emotional freedom, joy and creative flow. I am a partner artist at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.