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My Work
I offer experiential learning through coaching, workshops, corporate trainings, and presentations at the intersection of voice, creativity, and holistic well-being.
My work tends to resonate the most for:
- heart-led humans committed to moving beyond fear and stuckness to emotional freedom and fulfillment
- expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals
- organizations committed to building thriving cultures of connection through experiential learning in the workplace.
I help holistic-oriented people stuck in fear-based patterns of self-expression. In private one-on-one sessions and group courses, I train you in vocal embodiment practices to unblock your energy and unleash your wild, unabashed creativity. This work results in more joy, authenticity, and wholeheartedness in your communication style and life.
I design and lead experiential workshops for a wide variety of audiences internationally at colleges, corporations, cultural centers, and retreats.
In my groups, we engage in mindfulness practices, relational games, and vocal play. We practice confidently wielding the power of our imaginations, and fostering creative fellowship with each other.
I bring 20+ years of experience in creative arts facilitation, across a diverse range of workshops and courses for both youth and adults.
I grew up with my ear in multiple worlds. The Nigerian lilt of my immigrant parents. The African-American vernacular of my classmates.
I started as a choir geek, singing traditional genres of folk, soul, spirituals and European classical music. Along came spoken word poetry, hip-hop freestyle, theater improv, jam sessions, and other rituals across the vast spectrum of vocality.
I grew up fascinated by the power, profundity, and dynamism of people’s voices. From an early age, I noticed how tone, cadence, modulation, breath, rhythm, intention, emotion, body language, relationship, and culture all converged to create a unique imprint in each individual expression.
Like many vocalists, I attended a conservatory, where I learned to narrow my focus to the performative dimension, moreso than energy-healing properties of voice.
I left after a semester and fell into the all-too-common trap of working with Vocal Coach A who taught one specific technique. Then I’d work with Vocal Coach B, who would contradict everything Coach A said.
This sparked my obsession toward cultivating a more intimate relationship with my own instrument. I immersed myself: improvisation, multi-phonic and micro-tonal singing, mantra, monologues, mindfulness, sound meditation, dissonance, silence, listening, neuroscience, and spiritual principles.
One of the biggest lessons from my journey is that voice does not live only in the throat. It encompasses the totality of one’s self-expression: in being, thought, word, and deed.