Enjoy my private Treasure Trove blog – words of inspiration, insight, and practical wisdom.

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Unmute Yourself.

So much about creative self-expression is about making space for yourself to be, completely unmuted and unfiltered. For it is that raw gold of your essence from which the greatest jewels of your unique magic reside.

This limiting belief led me on a lifelong journey of finding my voice.

A child with no needs and no voice makes adults’ lives easier.

Workplace Well-Being, Connection, and Creativity

Bring much-needed inspiration, fun, community, and leadership development to your workplace.

Imagine your team being so in tune with each other that they joyfully ride the creative wave from inspired idea, to implementation.

What Happens When You Start Playing More?

 it’s easier to embody a peak state within the practice of drumming – or singing, writing, dancing, or other forms of play. 

But how do you stay “turned on” in your relationship to the drudge, the hard stuff, the harsh moments of self-doubt that hold back of your gifts? 

What is Your Empowering Context?

I love how more and more of us are releasing the old paradigm of New Years resolutions, and awakening a true superpower: the ability to set yourself up for long-term success by creating an empowering context for joy, purpose, fulfillment, and all other forms of good to be fully expressed in your life experience.

How Good Can it Get? And How Deeply are We Willing to Feel All of It?

How good can it get? And how deeply are we willing to feel all of it?

How much joy can we hold without zoning out, doomscrolling, drama-seeking, or shutting down? How willing are we to ride waves of turbulence with grace and inner grounding?

You Get to Be Seen, Heard, Felt, & Loved.

Visibility is a topic that comes up a lot in my courses, and among my clients. So many of us grow up in “be seen, not heard” environments.

A childhood in which you were only worthy of love if you spoke no beliefs that went against your tribe.

Play is Serious Work.

Play allows seemingly incongruous aspects of your being to cooperate with each other: bashful and bold, awkward and angry, the entire spectrum between grief and bliss.

Play involves embracing discomfort, having compassion for the messiest edges of your creative exploration, and discovering dimensions to yourself that surprise and sometimes even scare you.

Get Out of Your Own Way. You Are the Way.

What is the Way of You? What is the unique expression being birthed through you when you clear away all the blockages? How do you honor that expression, how do you practice that expression in your being and your doing – day to day, moment to moment?

“Faith and Fear Both Demand You Believe in Something You Cannot See.”

Let creative fellowship serve as a reminder that faith, determination, joy, and gratitude are powerful antidotes to stagnancy, despair, and spiritual warfare.

What Are You Saying YES to for the Next 94 Days?

I get to keep showing up, no matter what. And so do you.

The touch-and-go nature of live events this year is deepening my relationship to surrender, embracing uncertainty, embracing disappointment, trusting in divinely-aligned timing, and saying YES to all of it.  

Soul Insights: Intuitive Readings

Many of you have expressed interest in receiving a private, online, real-time intuitive reading to hone in on specific areas of your life where you’ve been experiencing stuckness. 

You’re ready for a deep dose of clarity and inspired action that releases you from the rut, and propels you into greater flow and fulfillment.

What Intention Do You Rise With In the Morning?

Do you awaken with conscious intention to experience a fulfilling day? To create a fulfilling day? To lovingly craft your day from a state of presence, of clarity, of joy?

One of the Most Powerful Tools for Transformation

Graphic: "The creative process is a powerful tool for transformation."

What do you appreciate? What do you desire to experience more of in your life? And what are you willing to get rid of to make room for the fulfillment of your desires to flourish?

Imagine knowing that your every step is aligned with your intuitive guidance.

Embrace the Richness of Your Creative Power

Astrologically, we’re in the midst of the Lions Gate portal: a phenomenon of cosmic / spiritual transfiguration.

Traditionally, it’s a time that signifies becoming “larger than life” in the sense of walking into a greater sense of purpose…

More MEWsings

I had participants lead circlesongs, then deconstruct how the practice develops embodied leadership, deep listening and real-time responsiveness, presence, compositional best practices, and most importantly: self-trust.

Month of Mantras and MEWsings

I’m uploading Reels of mantras, chants, improvs, loop recordings, and anything else that tickles my fancy – and may tickle yours.

What You Focus On, Expands

Here are examples of results from people I’ve worked with, once they made the decision to focus on cultivating their well-being through vocal self-expression…

FUNdamentals: Spirit, Creativity, Connection

What all my offerings have in common is that you will walk away with a deeper awareness of your values, a greater appreciation for your unique expression, and an increased capacity to connect with your own heart…

Something Resembling Lemonade

This is a motif that the show returns to throughout its six seasons in poignant, unexpected ways. 

The word “resembling” always stood out to me. Why not just stick with the straightforward cliché of alchemizing lemons into their most obvious, seemingly inevitable transformation?

Sounding: Celebrate How Far We’ve Come!

Fast forward to now. How far we’ve come. Healthier, stronger, more adaptable, innovative, resourceful, dynamic, resilient, and loving than ever before.

Spring Has Sprung

The biggest transformations happen underground, behind the scenes. This is true for plants, and for us. What seeds have you been sowing? What is starting to bloom in your life?

What’s Alive In Your Room, In This Moment?

While there are guiding principles when it comes to effective communication and inspired self-expression, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Some folks love hearing your relatable stories. Some folks love for you to help brainstorm solutions to a problem. And some folks love for you to just listen. All are valid.

What is in the Background Music of Your Life?

Release old soundtracks that no longer serve the highest good calling to be expressed through you.

Listen for the new songs that are brewing in you.

Earth Day Message: Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance

There are more stars than you can ever see, more mountains than you can ever climb, more chocolate than you can ever eat, more songs than you can ever sing, more flowers than you can ever smell, more humans than you can ever intimately know.

The Truth-Unlocker through the Throat Chakra

Expressing difficult truths constructively with tact and grace serves your highest good, and the loved ones you communicate with.

Your unfiltered truth is exactly what’s needed to begin that journey.

Free Your Voice, Change Your Mind

The phrase “vocal empowerment” didn’t quite get at the heart of the experience that I am creating in this monthly container. Our voices are already powerful. Otherwise, why would it take so much effort to hold ourselves back from fully expressing ourselves?

Vocal Empowerment: a Monthly Masterclass!

In this monthly online masterclass series, I’m sharing practices for clearing energy blockages through vocal expression: chants, affirmations, sound meditations, listening practices, the mechanics and metaphysics of the voice.

Notes on Emotional Hygiene

This weekend gave me ample opportunity to reflect on the importance of self-expression – the messy process of learning to say what you feel in the moment that you feel it, rather than stuffing it down, only to have it be vomited back up at the most inopportune time.

What (and Who) Is In Your Support Inventory?

We are communal beings. We create feedback loops of meaning by connecting with each other. We co-create our identities. We co-create our stories that we tell ourselves and pass on to future generations. We co-create our destinies. 

Deepen the Listening: Why I’m Not a “Traditional” Voice Coach

 It was that chaos of “traditional” vocal coaching that pushed me toward cultivating my own relationship with the mechanics – and metaphysics – of the voice. I learned to listen to my body. I learned to listen to time. I learned to listen to emotion. I learned to trust my creative impulses.

How Deep Is Your Listening?

I am grateful to every woman who stepped onto a new path of her own making. I am grateful to every woman who summons the courage to embrace her own magnificence.

Spring is Coming

In the ten years that I have been leading improvisational singing circles for people of all skill levels and backgrounds, it has brought me immense joy to facilitate spaces in which people get to merge the roles of audience and participant to create this ecstatic experience.

Do You Say Sorry Way More Than Necessary?

Stepping into your power means allowing yourself to make others uncomfortable, allowing yourself to disappoint others, opening yourself up to disapproval, rejection and ridicule, and relieving yourself of the responsibility of managing other people’s perceptions of you.

What is Your Criteria for “Good Enough”?

The brain cannot bypass the body, the emotions, the nervous system. They are all one ecosystem, and the voice is a powerful hub that can unite, focus and direct the various facets of our selves – the mental, spiritual, physiological – on a path of greater well-being and fulfillment.

Invocations for Healing: Mother / Father / Inner Child Wounds

As many of you may intuit, there is rich symbolism in kicking off this 3 day series on Valentine’s Day. The Mother (both the literal primary female caretaker and the symbolic energetic imprint of love and nurturance) widely represents our “first love”: the first blueprint for how we relate to, and embody love. 

Let Your Voice Open You When You Feel Like Closing

What if you learned how to wield words and sounds to maintain a state of flow and expansion while dealing with difficult emotions? What if you could embrace and express the fullest range of your feelings as tools for building self-awareness, accessing personal power, and liberating your creativity?

One Week Til Voke | Treasure Trove

This is the last week to register! Enrollment closes at the end of February 1st. Voke is a 6 week online experiential course designed to use the power of your voice to: clear emotional debris from your energy field (unexpressed resentments, hurts, grief, desires)…

Real-Time Reframing: When You Catch Your Mind Making a Wrong Turn Down a Sketchy Neighborhood

 I riff on reframing your way toward the words that activate and enliven your soul as you cultivate your affirmations. This is a POTENT skill to cultivate. It especially comes in handy for those moments when you catch yourself going on a downward loop of disempowerment, disappointment, fear.

All the Vokes: a Video | In Your Own Words

What are you invoking into existence? Voke is my flagship program: an immersive, experiential program in which the power of your spoken, sung, written, and embodied voice is invoked to manifest your deepest desires, heighten consciousness, gain intuitive clarity, clear energy blockages, and optimize well-being.

Ready, Set, Voke!

So how do you develop the clarity to know what’s a YES for you and what’s a NO for you? How do you develop the capacity to make empowered decisions? Answer: creativity and mindfulness! My own path has led me to vocal expression as a healing tool for clearing out the gunk and conjuring the gold.

Year-End Love Letter from Me to You

I am grateful for all your support through engaging with my words, courses, workshops and events throughout the year. I celebrate all the ways you’ve grown this year. I celebrate all that you’ve healed. I celebrate your serendipitous moments, your health, your blessings. I celebrate all the ways in which you’ve been a blessing to others.

Happy Embrace of the Dark / Return of the Light Day!

This is one of my favorite images from my art modeling adventures, from the photographer Victor M. Ramos. This extreme contrast of shadow and light is called chiaroscuro. I found this portrait particularly fitting on this day, the solstice: the longest night, giving way to daylight waxing toward the summer solstice.

Your Vision Board as a Living Document that Evolves With You

…our vision (literally and figuratively) is informed by our experience and perspective; as they grow, so does our vision. Though I work primarily within the medium of voice and group facilitation, one aspect of visual art that has always resonated with me is how it is informed by symbolic awareness.

When was the last time you delighted in your sense of wonder…

What consistently keeps you awakened and inspired? What visions pull you forward? Most likely you brush your teeth, shower your body, lotion your skin at regular intervals. What is your psychic / spiritual hygiene for nurturing your reverence for the ineffable?

Is Your Cup Overflowing?

…as you check in with yourself throughout this season of heightened gift-giving: : are you giving from a state of overflow? Is there any aspect of your life where you feel depleted, unfulfilled, stuck? Do you ever feel that weird tug-of-war between a desire to give freely, and an anxiety that holds you back…

A Dynamic Practice of Gratitude on Insight Timer!

Image of Onome in front of blurred greenery of trees

There are certain perennial themes that tend to emerge during the U.S. holiday season – conflicted familial relationships, unease with the contradictions embedded in the genesis of Thanksgiving, loneliness, anxiety, depression. A dose of gratitude can soothe and uplift and lighten your energetic load…

What Colors Your Glasses?

Even the most enlightened among us have a filter through which we see the world. All our ideas about the way the world is happen to fit within our respective boxes, and some boxes are more expansive, adaptive, and responsive than others, based on the ratios of love and fear, power and privation, possibility… 

BlesSings on Bandcamp!

I am thrilled to announce the release of Moving Star’s debut EP, BlesSings. I am honored to sing with such an eclectic and dynamic ensemble of vocalists and composers.

You Can Discover More About a Person….

People climb mountains, run marathons, bungee jump, and go zip-lining, all to access what the psychologist Abraham Maslow calls a “Peak Experience.” Did you know that you can achieve the same exhilaration and sublime oneness within yourself through something as simple and profound (and for many, terrifying) as coming together to sing? 

The Sound and the Fiery: Updates

Have you ever struggled with your self-expression skills feeling like a battleground, and wishing it could be more like a playground? Have you had experiences where you’re afraid to speak up, and by the time you summon the courage to do so, the moment has already passed?

Voke’s Going Local / Six Session Series Sale!

Throat chakra symbol Vishuddha

Sign up if you desire to clear energy blockages, strengthen your discernment and decision-making muscles, deepen your listening and intuition, and empower your own wise, still voice through vocal play, breathwork, guided journaling and more!

Recovering Please-aholic? Here’s a Sound & Voice Mindfulness Technique

Why do so many of us have difficulty jumping right to saying NO as soon as we feel it, without the help of a mindfulness cue? Answer: unraveling a lifetime of please-aholic conditioning from the nervous system requires interrupting the old behavior patterns as we establish the new ones. And integrating voice with mindfulness...

Back to School: New Courses, 1:1s, and Meditations!

Harness the power of your voice to deepen your connection to your inner wisdom, awaken your creativity, and grow your confidence. Voke is a six week online experiential workshop that integrates singing and other vocalization techniques, breath, movement, mindfulness and relational…

“Sing With Carnegie Hall: Imagination” Surpasses 13k Views!!

I am so honored to be involved in the online series for children and family, Sing With Carnegie HallAnd I happened to take a look at the video this past weekend and saw the jump in viewership to over 13,000 people…