Let Your Voice Open You When You Feel Like Closing

February 1, 2022

I love how neuroscience is providing empirical evidence for what I’ve understood intuitively since childhood: different emotions live and move through the body differently. And “difficult” emotions can get stuck in the body and tend to make you feel contracted, while positive emotions tend to flow through you and effortlessly expand your energy field.

In grade school, I often felt my throat tighten up whenever I felt the urge to raise my hand to talk, because I wasn’t confident – understatement, I was terrified – of speaking up, even though I tended to be quite good at it once I summoned the nerve. What a paradox: the unstoppable force of my desire for self-expression, crashing into the seemingly immovable object of fear: of humiliation, of being wrong, of saying something foolish or ignorant, of ostracism, that what I had to say didn’t matter, that I would be exposed as a fraud.

This led me on a journey of transmuting those fears through various forms of vocal expression: the oral traditions of folk music, sacred chant, spoken word poetry, freestyle rap, vocal improv, podcasting, storytelling, lectures and inspirational speech.

Simultaneously, I was compelled to explore the unseen world of the spirit, of energy, of emotions. Those realms animate the words and sounds that bring meaning and fulfillment to our lives.

What if you learned how to wield words and sounds to maintain a state of flow and expansion while dealing with difficult emotions? What if you could embrace and express the fullest range of your feelings as tools for building self-awareness, accessing personal power, and liberating your creativity? All through vocal empowerment practices? Join me tomorrow for Voke to embark on a 6 week exploration into vocal expression designed to awaken your presence, unleash your confidence, and deepen your connection to your inner guidance.

Last minute enrollments welcome! And if you are one of the folks who’s like “I would LOVE to enroll but I’m not available at 2pm ET on a weekday,” fret not! I will soon be offering a weeknight Voke course, a weekend Voke course, and (eventually) in-person Voke courses in the upstate New York area! Stay tuned.

Thanks to all of you who are listening to The Treasure Trove: Inspiration with Onome, my weekly Insight Timer livestream on Fridays at 4pm ET. Join my group on the Insight Timer app to get inspirational resources, build community, and receive updates about my recordings and livestreams.

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Onome facilitates transformative experiences at the intersection of voice, creativity, and mindfulness. She designs and leads experiential workshops and 1:1 sessions that clear energetic blockages to self-expression, empower her clients to reclaim and confidently wield the power of their imagination, and foster creative fellowship through mindfulness practices, relational games, and vocal play. Through her audience-interactive performances, workshops and sound installations, Onome embodies joy, enchantment, and infinite possibility. She is a partner artist at Carnegie Hall as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star. She leads community vocal immersions at concert halls, conferences, galleries, museums, schools, cultural centers, shelters, prisons, parks, churches, online, wherever voices gather.