One Week Til Voke | Treasure Trove

January 25, 2022

Join me on Insight Timer this Friday at 4pm ET for my livestream.

This is the last week to register! Enrollment closes at the end of February 1st. Voke is a 6 week online experiential course designed to use the power of your voice to:

  • clear emotional debris from your energy field (unexpressed resentments, hurts, grief, desires)
  • unblock your creativity, spontaneity, joy, and vitality
  • develop a more intimate relationship to your intuitive power
  • cultivate presence (which involves creating a compassionate relationship with the past, and trust in the future)

This is no ordinary “singing” class. All vocal skill levels and backgrounds welcome. Let your soul come out and play! For $444, you get a richly engaging course, consisting of six 90 minute group sessions, with deeply evocative homework assignments designed to transform your life from stuckness and ennui, to a life of soul expansion and creative fulfillment, all through the portal of your voice.

Drop me an email at if you have any questions.

Register for Voke.

Many of you have been inquiring about investing in a more intimate one-on-one container. I have slots available! Book a Six Session Series today for $555. You can pay in full, or through a payment plan. Email me at if you have any questions.

Register for Voke 1:1 Six Session Series.

Make a Contribution from Your Overflowing Cup.

Thanks to all of you who have blessed my online tip jars! If it’s in your pleasure, you are always welcome to give from your overflowing cup and make a contribution to support my work using the links to Venmo and Paypal.

Also, a contribution in the form of testimonials, leads, referrals, recommendations, constructive feedback, following my social media platforms InstagramInsight Timer, and Facebook, are all as good as gold, and always welcome. Send me an email at



Onome facilitates transformative experiences at the intersection of voice, creativity, and mindfulness. She designs and leads experiential workshops and 1:1 sessions that clear energetic blockages to self-expression, empower her clients to reclaim and confidently wield the power of their imagination, and foster creative fellowship through mindfulness practices, relational games, and vocal play. Through her audience-interactive performances, workshops and sound installations, Onome embodies joy, enchantment, and infinite possibility. She is a partner artist at Carnegie Hall as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star. She leads community vocal immersions at concert halls, conferences, galleries, museums, schools, cultural centers, shelters, prisons, parks, churches, online, wherever voices gather.