Your Vision Board as a Living Document that Evolves With You

December 14, 2021

This image, known as Picasso’s Bulls, evokes for me the idea of how our vision (literally and figuratively) is informed by our experience and perspective; as they grow, so does our vision. Though I work primarily within the medium of voice and group facilitation, one aspect of visual art that has always resonated with me is how it is informed by symbolic awareness. I’ll never forget the example from the famous book, Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain, of how, if you ask 5 year olds (and probably most adults, for that matter) to draw a human nose, most likely they will draw the shape of a comma, or perhaps an upside-down question mark, to represent a nose. Whereas, if you ask professional sketch artists to draw a nose, they will be able to reflect the physical depth, roundness, light, shadow, and texture of a nose that brings the symbol to life in a way that is truly alchemical, from an empty page / canvas to the most fully realized representation of reality to spring from those artists whose experiences and perspectives have led them to produce such visions.

Which of your own visions are just now starting to take shape, like Picasso’s first drawing at the bottom? In what areas of your life are you already well-honed and deeply practiced, like the top right bull? Let the answers emerge in your awareness as you read on about my next event….

Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!

Both mediums have their strengths. I love the tactile joy I get from flipping through magazines, cutting and gluing images onto posterboard.

Vision board

Going digital though, it opens up *Peabo Bryson voice* a whole new wooooooorld. The range of imagery you can choose from is infinite, and the vision board becomes a living document that can be edited and updated to evolve with your vision.

If you have never created a digital vision board, this event will have you feeling ecstatic. If you’re familiar with vision boarding, here is how Voices and Vibes will take you to the next level:

  • Learn how to use verbal affirmation and invocation to amplify your vision
  • I’ll walk you through the basics of the free, comprehensive graphic design tool, Canva

(And if you really want to attend but can’t make the December 30 event, there will be another one in January! Go to my website for those details.)

Gift yourself this experience by registering for Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash! (December Edition).

Vision board promotional poster

Learn how to make a vision board using Canva! This 2 hour session is a celebration of YOU: your dreams, desires, and goals. We will have a brief intro, a guided meditation to embody your highest self, a vocal affirmation practice to amplify what matters most to you, then you get to express those priorities on your vision board.

December 30, 2021 at 2pm ET on Zoom. Advance registration required.

Price: $22

Register for Voices and Vibes: Virtual Vision Board Bash!

Thanks to all of you who joined us today at The Folk Art Reflections Music Series! In keeping with the improv themes that came up during the interactive performance, I’m preserving the participants’ privacy with sunshine and green.

A special thanks to Elizabeth Gronke and the American Folk Art Museum for making this event possible.

If you’d like your loved ones to keep up-to-date on my events, videos, and words of inspiration, you can send them this link for them to  sign up for my email list.

Make a Contribution from Your Overflowing Cup.

Thanks to all of you who have blessed my online tip jars! If it’s in your pleasure, you are always welcome to give from your overflowing cup and make a contribution to support my work using the links below.

And regardless of your financial budget, a contribution in the form of testimonials, leads, referrals, recommendations, and constructive feedback are as good as gold, and always welcome. Send me an email at



Onome is a healing voice, creativity catalyst, and mindfulness maven of Urhobo heritage in the Niger Delta. She designs and facilitate experiential workshops and 1:1 sessions that clear energetic blockages to self-expression, empower her clients to reclaim and confidently wield the power of their imagination, and foster creative fellowship through mindfulness practices, relational games, and vocal play. Through her audience-interactive performances, workshops and sound installations, Onome embodies joy, enchantment, and infinite possibility. She is a partner artist at Carnegie Hall as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.