You Can Discover More About a Person….

October 26, 2021

Upcoming Events

  1. Sounding: Hudson Valley
  2. Insight Timer
  3. Voke 1:1 – Six Session Series


This quote leapt out at me from my Facebook feed. I’m compelled to share it here:

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play, than in a year of conversation.– Plato

This rings true in my singing circle practice. Witnessing the integration of the Inner Child with the Wise Sage and all the other archetypes swirling within you, as you unleash your creativity, freedom and joy through holistically guided vocal improvisation: what a miraculous, ecstatic, and humbling sight to behold!

People climb mountains, run marathons, bungee jump, and go zip-lining, all to access what the psychologist Abraham Maslow calls a “Peak Experience.” Did you know that you can achieve the same exhilaration and sublime oneness within yourself through something as simple and profound (and for many, terrifying) as coming together to sing? Even if you don’t identify as a singer?!

Though we won’t be as physically close at Sounding: Hudson Valley as the past circles in the above pictures, we get to connect through opening our hearts, moving our bodies, and freeing our voices. Join us on Sunday, 10/31!

Join me on Insight Timer and go within. Download the app to nourish your soul with my guided meditation recordings, and to gain access to my live online sessions starting in November.

Be sure to give a 5 star rating for the meditations, like, follow, and share my Insight Timer page to get in-app notifications about upcoming meditation recordings, courses and live online events. Don’t have the app on your phone? Download Insight Timer here.

Voke 1:1 – Six Session Series

My live events attract those of you who are looking to discover your voice, get creatively unstuck, and express yourselves more confidently, in a fun atmosphere of fellowship and play. If you cannot join me in person for an event but would love to work in a private one-on-one container, sign up here for the Voke 1:1 – Six Session Series.

I help people who feel disconnected from their creativity and intuition overcome their energy blockages through vocal play, so that they can experience the power, freedom and confidence of their own self-expression in EVERY aspect of their lives. If this is you, book a Voke 1:1 – Six Session Series, or drop me an email if you have questions or want to hop on a discovery call, at

Do you know anyone that wants to work on this? Send them my info – I’m currently taking new clients!

Sign up for the Voke 1:1 – Six Session Series

Make a Contribution

You are always welcome to make a contribution to support my work here:



Onome is a vocalist, creativity catalyst, facilitator and interdisciplinary artist of Urhobo heritage in the Niger Delta. She incorporates improvisation into her practice as a tool to expand consciousness, creativity, and personal development. Through her audience-interactive performances, workshops and sound installations, Onome embodies joy, enchantment, and infinite possibility. She is a partner artist at Carnegie Hall as a core member of the vocal improvisation ensemble, Moving Star.

She has performed at hundreds of venues nationally, recorded soundscapes for podcasts, and created vocal film scores. She received her MFA in Performance Studies at Pratt Institute. She is the artistic director for Lush Tongue, a vocal improvisation project where sound, creativity, self-discovery, connection, and joy converge through singing—via sound healing sessions, workshops, vocal coaching, retreats, and concerts. She leads Soul Incites, a women’s self-development community. She got her start in spoken word poetry and opera via Nuyorican Poets Cafe and New York University, and now facilitates community vocal immersions at concert halls, conferences, galleries, museums, schools, cultural centers, shelters, prisons, parks, churches, online, wherever voices gather.