Lush Tongue Tuesday: Singing And Springing Into Summer

June 16, 2020

1. Lush Tongue: Sound Meditation, Improv and Musings #27

Click on “Video” on the side menu of the Lush Tongue page
to view the latest episode.
Lush Tongue: Sound Meditation, Improv and Musings #27
Tuesdays at 8pm EST

Make a contribution through CashApp or Venmo:

Cashapp: $LushTongue
Venmo: LushTongue
Suggested Contribution: $10-$20
All amounts welcome!

A few weeks ago, I shared a pre-recorded version of Lush Tongue: Sound Meditation, Improv and Musings. It felt good to mix it up, so going forward, I’ll continue to alternate between lives and pre-recorded videos on Tuesdays at 8pm ET. I will also share additional content throughout the week. Thanks for your support!

2. Open Sing Closed for Summer!

THANK YOU for joining us throughout the 2019-2020 season of the Open Sing! We ended on a high note with our last Open Sing on June 14, and the theme was liberation. We sang about how we experience liberation in our own lives, and how we may inspire and encourage it in others.

The Open Sing was a journey that took quite a few twists and turns from real world to the Zoom room. The left photo (in which I’m wearing a pink headwrap) was our last in-person gathering, on Sunday March 8, 2020. Rumblings of Covid-19 were just starting to surface, and we contemplated cancelling the Open Sing. We forged ahead, and there were no known cases afterward among our participants. Soon after, news stories emerged about other singing gatherings that were not so fortunate, most notably an outbreak outside of Seattle where over half the participants of a church choir caught the virus.

Group singing continues to be in a precarious position given the fast-moving, airborne nature of this illness. There is much speculation that public singing will be the last social activity to return, which is why it is crucial that we continue to connect with each other through our voices, via ongoing online events. Stay tuned for new opportunities for us to gather together in song during the summer.

3. One-on-One Voice Sessions

$40 per participant for an introductory 40 minute session.

Shift from silenced, to richly self-expressed. Shift from apprehensive and self-conscious, to wildly enthusiastic about singing. Shift from avoiding the spotlight, to taking risks and being seen.  Book an introductory session to get a taste of how deep your vocal exploration can go!

According to a recent testimonial, “Through intention, mindfulness and energy, Onome supported me in becoming aware of different aspects in which sound and breath resonate within me. She was very attentive and intuitive.”

Email me at to book a session.